Feb 08

Brain Burn

On January 16th, 2024 we resumed classes at the Mount Horeb Bible Institute, the seminary here in Togo West Africa. It is situated about a 90 minute drive from my apartment in the capital city of Lomé. It is on the way to the tourist town of Kpalimé and the government has done a lot of work widening and improving the highway.

The seminary is out in the country on land the EELCT (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Confession in Togo) has purchased to serve as the seminary and a farm whose crops and animals can provide money to suport the work here. While the highway is good, the road leading into the land is not as good. It probably takes 30 minutes to go from the highway to the seminary even though it isn’t very far.

The main dirt road off the highway leading into the path into seminary/farm

The “road” into our land was just a path made by foot traffic and motorcycles and a vehicle or two, but some surrounding land owners sold the sand on their land to be used in construction in Lomé, so big dump truck created huge ruts that became impassable during the rainy season. Fortunately the one man who sold the sand had the “road” mostly filled in so we can use it even when it rains.

The entrance to our land

The other week it was almost 99º F (37º C). The classroom building does not have any electricity, so there are no fans and it can get rather warm.

Our seminary classroom

We have just started an in-depth study of justification, so the students were complaining of brain burn, probably both physically, become of the heat, and mentally. We usually end around 2:30 pm so the students can depart and try to cool off. The sun also shines trough the open area between the bamboo siding and the roof onto the platform where Pastor Blewu and I teach from, so we often move down in the afternoon to get out of the sun. This become less of a problem earlier in the “winter” and in the “summer” as the position of the sun has changed enough to not strike us directly.

The sun advances

We usually drive up Tuesday morning, have classes Tuesday, stay overnight in the teacherage we built on the land, have class on Wednesday, and return to Lomé Wednesday evening. It would be nice to have more days of classes, but the students have families they need to work to provide for. They get enough homework to keep them more than busy.

We installed a solar panel system on the teacherage so we can have lights in the evening and a fan during night.

Teacherage at the seminary

Unfortunately the first system they installed was not sufficient to support two fans running all night and the AC converter would start beeping early in the morning, waking us up, because the storage battery was used up. They installed a second system while I was on furlough almost two years ago, along with two solar/DC fans (which, in theory, are more efficient), but we have never been able to use two fans throughout the whole night. At least these simply stop, rather than anything beeping, and then often come one for a second when the battery finds a little more energy but then stop again. This still usually wakes me up, as it is an unexpected change in the environment.

What I have been doing to get by is using the solar fan during the day and then when I go to bed, I switch to the plug-in AC fan on the old system. The lights are on the new system with the solar fans, so using the lights in the evening deplete the batteries enough so that the fan will not last the whole night. Pastor Blewu usually doesn’t want a fan at night, so I can get through the night by switching between the systems. I have been trying to get this problem resolved for almost two years now, but so far nothing has been done.

Pastor Blewu likes to cook, so each week I give him some money to buy us groceries and he makes our meals while we are up at the seminary. We often stop at a market in the town right before the smaller village where we turn off to go to the land, as Tuesday is market day there. I will have to take a picture and add it here in the future.

The typical local bread is sweeter than I like. They do make a “salty” bread that I do really like, but they are frequently sold. We often stop at a road-side vender in a town on the way to pick up a loaf or two (provided they have it).

Yummy “salty” bread

This year the plan is to have the students start sharing the Bread of Life in the villages around the seminary, with the goal of starting congregations that they can then pastor when they graduate in about a year. To help them in this work, we have just begun a course on the study of missions.

I had not planned to start this course this early; I was hoping to have more time to edit and translate the lessons into French, but I agree with Pastor Blewu that it is good to start the course now, rather than later. So rather than waiting to finish translating all 25 lessons and making a bound book for the course, I am translating and handing out a new lesson each week. I am currently furiously trying to edit and translate them all now, so perhaps I will be able to hand out the course books in a couple of weeks after we have only done a handful of the first lessons.

As the students already feel overloaded and are experiencing brain burn, we will be only doing one lesson on the in-depth study of justification and study a lesson on missions/evangelism instead of the second lesson on justification each week. Hopefully this will also let the student thoroughly study and absorb each lesson on justification, as this is such an important topic.

One of the things I really focus on is learning how to preach. Each week one student presents his study of his sermon text. The next week he will preach a sermon based on that text and the next student present his study on the text on which he we preach the next week, and so on. The students have made great progress, but there is still more to learn. Please continue to pray for all their studies.

A student presenting his sermon (and one wondering why I’m taking a video of it)
Jan 29

New Year, New Church

On Sunday, 14th January, we consecrated the new church building of the main church here in Lomé, Togo, West Africa.

It was a joyful occasion, and a good opportunity to consider why we build the church and why one goes to church.

It was Solomon who built a house for him. Yet the Most High does not dwell in houses made by hands, as the prophet says,
“‘Heaven is my throne,
and the earth is my footstool.
What kind of house will you build for me, says the Lord,
or what is the place of my rest?
Did not my hand make all these things?’

Acts 7:48-50

Solomon build the most magnificent Temple to the Eternal. But we must remember, as Stephen says here, that the Most High does not live in a house made by us. As God said through the prophet Isaiah, He made all things and no earthly building can contain Him. When Solomon dedicated the great temple he had built, he confessed that even the highest heaven could not contain God, much less the temple he had built. (1 Kings 8:27). So we don’t go to church because that is where God dwells, because God is everywhere.

Thus says the LORD:
“Heaven is my throne,
and the earth is my footstool;
what is the house that you would build for me,
and what is the place of my rest?
All these things my hand has made,
and so all these things came to be,
declares the LORD.
But this is the one to whom I will look:
he who is humble and contrite in spirit
and trembles at my word.”

Isaiah 66:1-2

God considers “he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.” Do you tremble at God’s word?

Many think of praying, praising God and brining our offerings to God when they think of why one goes to church, but the most important reason to church is to hear God’s word. Consider this warming in Ecclesiastes:

Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. To draw near to listen is better than to offer the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they are doing evil.

Ecclesiastes 5:1

We often think of going to church to sing praises to God and to bring our offerings, but here God tells us that our focus should be on listening to His word. The main reason one attends worship services (which might be better called “services of God’s word”) is to hear God’s word, which creates and strengthens our trust in Jesus’ death to pay for our sins and His resurrection to give us eternal life.

One can build thousands of churches, but without faith in what Jesus has done, none of that pleases God. One can give millions of dollars to the church, but that does not earn one favor with God. That does not give one eternal life.

You only have eternal life through Jesus’ perfect life of obedience to God in your place, His death on the cross in your place to pay for your sins, and His resurrection from the death to conquer death for you. Jesus has already earned God’s favor. These is nothing left for you to do! Jesus has done it all.

Our worship, our praises, our donation/offerings to the church are simply ways that we thank God for the great salvation He has already given us in Jesus. And we learn about what God has done through Jesus by listening to His word.

A new church pot and building is certainly a blessing, but it is the pure word of God that we teach in the building that matters. The Gospel we preach each week “is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, ‘The righteous shall live by faith.‘” (Romans 1:16-17).

Dec 31

Restez calme et mettez votre confiance en Dieu

Prendrez-vous des résolutions pour la nouvelle année ? Peut-être vous avez déjà fait des projets. On se souhait « Bonne Année ! », mais qu’est-ce qui fera de votre nouvelle année une bonne année ?

Dans Ésaïe 30, nous lisons les mauvaises façons dont Juda a essayé de trouver le succès. Et Dieu nous apprend comment passer une bonne année :

1Malheur, dit l’Eternel, aux enfants rebelles,
Qui prennent des résolutions sans moi,
Et qui font des alliances sans ma volonté,
Pour accumuler péché sur péché!
2Qui descendent en Egypte sans me consulter,
Pour se réfugier sous la protection de Pharaon,
Et chercher un abri sous l’ombre de l’Egypte!
3La protection de Pharaon sera pour vous une honte,
Et l’abri sous l’ombre de l’Egypte une ignominie.

Ésaïe 30:1-3

Les gens prennent souvent des résolutions pour la nouvelle année. Juda aussi a fait des projets, mais Dieu les a condamnés pour cela. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’ils ont fait leurs projets sans Dieu (v. 1). Ils ont cherché leur sécurité dans des alliances pas dans Dieu. 

Juda voulait notamment descendre en Égypte. Ils cherchaient la protection de Pharaon. Pourquoi l’Égypte ? L’Égypte était l’une des nations les plus fortes et les plus prospères de l’époque. Ils avaient également été esclaves en Égypte, plus de 800 ans avant qu’Ésaïe n’écrive ces mots. Il y a donc eu une histoire entre Juda et l’Égypte. Peut-être un peu comme la France et le Togo. Ainsi, Juda a voulu se tourner vers l’Égypte au sud-ouest alors qu’il était menacé par les Assyriens et les Babyloniens au nord.

Et vous ? Vers quoi ou vers qui vous tournerez-vous pour obtenir de l’aide cette année ? Je suis sûr que vous diriez Dieu, non ? Mais c’est facile à dire, pas toujours facile à vivre. Dans les moments difficiles, ferez-vous confiance à Dieu seul ? Ou bien vos actions et vos pensées montreront-elles que vous vous fiez à une aide terrestre ?

Il semble que de nombreux Togolais souhaitent se rendre en France, aux États-Unis ou au Canada ou dans un autre pays. Il y a quelques années, un de mes amis togolais s’est installé en France. Un autre s’est installé récemment au Canada. Je perds des amis au profit d’autres pays. 

Dans l’immeuble où j’habite, il y a une société qui aide les gens à immigrer au Canada. Beaucoup de gens me posent des questions à ce sujet, car ils pensent que je suis impliqué avec eux parce que je suis blanc et j’y habite. Je leur dis que ce n’est qu’une coïncidence et que je n’ai rien à voir avec eux.

Beaucoup pensent qu’ils auront une vie meilleure s’ils partent en Europe ou en Amérique du Nord ou ailleurs. Mais est-ce vrai ? Certaines choses peuvent être meilleures, mais il n’y a pas d’endroit qui soit le paradis sur terre. Dieu a condamné Juda pour avoir placé son espoir en l’Égypte plutôt qu’en Lui : « La protection de Pharaon sera pour vous une honte, et l’abri sous l’ombre de l’Egypte une ignominie » (v. 3).

Je ne dis pas qu’il est mauvais en soi de vouloir s’installer dans un autre pays, que ce soit la France, le Canada ou l’Égypte. Mais mettre son espoir dans un nouveau pays plutôt qu’en Dieu, c’est rejeter Dieu et faire du nouveau pays une idole.

Et vous, en quoi vous mettrez ton espoir dans cette nouvelle année ? On peut dire facilement « dans Dieu » mais est-ce que tous vos actions et toutes les pensées de votre cœur le montreront ?

9Car c’est un peuple rebelle,
Ce sont des enfants menteurs,
Des enfants qui ne veulent point écouter la loi de l’Eternel,
10Qui disent aux voyants: Ne voyez pas!
Et aux prophètes: Ne nous prophétisez pas des vérités,
Dites-nous des choses flatteuses,
Prophétisez des chimères!
11Détournez-vous du chemin,
Ecartez-vous du sentier,
Eloignez de notre présence le Saint d’Israël!

Ésaïe 30:9-11

Dieu condamne également le peuple pour ne pas avoir voulu entendre sa parole. Combien d’occasions d’étudier et d’entendre la parole de Dieu avez-vous manquées au cours de l’année écoulée ? Combien en manquerez-vous au cours de la nouvelle année ? Serez-vous impatient de venir écouter la parole de Dieu chaque semaine ?

Le peuple ne voulait pas que les voyants donnent des révélations de Dieu, ni que les prophètes prêchent la vérité. Ils voulaient être flattés. Ils voulaient qu’on ne leur promette que de bonnes choses. Ils voulaient qu’on leur promette une vie bonne et facile. Ils ne voulaient pas entendre parler du chemin de Dieu.

Dieu promet le paradis, mais pas sur terre. Dieu promet de nous débarrasser de tous nos problèmes… après notre mort (ou après le retour de Jésus, selon la première éventualité). Dieu ne promet pas une vie facile et sans problèmes ici sur terre. La parole de Dieu dit le contraire : « C’est par beaucoup de tribulations qu’il nous faut entrer dans le royaume de Dieu » (Actes 14:22).

Est-ce que vous voulez entendre cela ? Ou est-ce que vous préférez que je vous dise des choses flatteuses ? Que je vous dise que vous aurez une très bonne année, sans soucis ? Désolé, je ne le peux pas.

Mais, je peux vous promettre que Dieu sera avec vous. Il sera votre abri, – un abri fiable. Pas comme l’abri de l’Égypte ou d’un autre pays. Dieu vous a sauvé déjà par son Fils Jésus. Jésus est venu pour souffrir et mourir pour vous et moi, afin que nous pussions avoir une vie meilleure ici sur terre et surtout pour l’éternité. 

Cela ne signifie pas que nous n’aurons pas de problèmes et de difficultés dans cette vie, mais que nous avons le Dieu tout-puissant à nos côtés pour nous aider à traverser les tribulations de ce monde pécheur et pour nous amener sains et saufs dans notre demeure éternelle avec Lui, où il n’y aura plus de problèmes :

11Car ainsi a parlé le Seigneur, l’Eternel, le Saint d’Israël:
C’est dans la tranquillité et le repos que sera votre salut,
C’est dans le calme et la confiance que sera votre force.

Ésaïe 30:11

Nous trouvons notre salut lorsque nous nous tournons vers Dieu dans la repentance (« la repentance » est une meilleure traduction de l’hébreu שׁוּבָה shuvah que « la tranquillité »). Nous trouvons notre salut lorsque nous nous reposons de tous nos efforts pour trouver une vie meilleure ici sur terre par nos propres moyens. C’est dans la repentance et le repos que sera votre salut.

Aux États-Unis, il existe une phrase que l’on retrouve sur les affiches et les T-shirts. Elle commence par « restez calme et » et se termine en nous demandant de faire telle ou telle chose. Par exemple, « restez calme et continuez ». J’ai trouvé quelques exemples en français aussi. 

Ces paroles ne sont peut-être pas aussi courantes dans votre pays, mais c’est ce que Dieu nous dit de faire, à vous et à moi, en cette nouvelle année : « Restez calme et mettez votre confiance en Dieu. » Il n’est pas nécessaire de courir à droite et à gauche pour avoir une bonne année. Restez calme et mettez votre confiance en Dieu.

Nous avons péché contre Dieu maintes et maintes fois au cours de l’année écoulée,

18Cependant l’Eternel désire vous faire grâce,
Et il se lèvera pour vous faire miséricorde;
Car l’Eternel est un Dieu juste:
Heureux tous ceux qui espèrent en lui!

Ésaïe 30:18

Même si vous avez péché contre Dieu de bien des manières au cours de l’année écoulée, il désire vous faire grâce. Il vous a donné la grâce de son Fils qui est mort pour payer vos péchés et qui est ressuscité pour vous donner une nouvelle vie sur terre, et une vie éternelle parfaite au paradis.

L’Éternel est un Dieu juste : Heureux tous ceux qui espèrent en lui !

Heureux êtes vous qui espérez en lui.

Seul Dieu vous donnera une bonne année. Restez calme et mettez votre confiance en lui.

Dec 31

Les résolutions du Nouvel An

For English, click here.

Prends-tu des résolutions pour la nouvelle année ? Aux États-Unis, les résolutions du Nouvel An sont très courantes. Les gens décident souvent de manger des aliments plus sains, de perdre du poids ou de faire plus de sport. Au début du mois de janvier, les salles de gym sont souvent pleines de monde. Mais à la fin du mois de janvier, elles sont souvent presque vides. Nous commençons la nouvelle année avec de bonnes intentions, mais nous n’atteignons pas toujours nos objectifs.

Il semble que les résolutions du Nouvel An concernent souvent notre santé, du moins aux États-Unis. Il est bon de prendre soin des corps que Dieu nous a donnés. Dieu nous dit que notre corps est le temple du Saint-Esprit. Mais on peut mettre trop l’accent sur le physique. Paul a dit à Timothée de s’exercer à la piété, « car l’exercice corporel est utile à peu de chose, tandis que la piété est utile à tout : elle a la promesse de la vie présente et de celle qui est à venir » (1 Tim 4:7- 8).

As-tu pris des résolutions spirituelles pour la nouvelle année ? J’essaie souvent de lire la Bible chaque année. Parfois, je prends du retard et je n’y arrive pas. Mais lire ou écouter davantage la parole de Dieu est une bonne résolution pour cette nouvelle année. En fait, c’est ce que Paul a dit à Timothée de faire. Il a dit à Timothée d’être « nourri des paroles de la foi » (1 Tim. 4:6).

Nous ne savons pas ce que cette nouvelle année nous réserve. Nous pouvons faire des plans et prier, «‹ mais c’est le dessein de l’Éternel qui s’accomplit » (Proverbes 19:21). Alors que nous abordons la nouvelle année, c’est la parole de Dieu qui nous rappelle que Dieu est fidèle. La Bible nous rappelle tout ce que Dieu a fait pour toi et moi. Alors que nous pouvons renoncer nos résolutions, Dieu ne le fait jamais. Il accomplit toutes ses promesses. L’histoire que nous lisons dans la Bible nous montre la fidélité de Dieu. Et elle nous rappelle que Dieu sera avec toi et moi tout au long de cette nouvelle année, quelles que soient les difficultés que nous rencontrons.

Dans notre lecture de l’Ancien Testament pour ce dimanche (1er janvier 2023), nous lisons la fidélité de Dieu :

Je publierai les grâces de l’Éternel, les louanges de l’Éternel, d’après tout ce que l’Éternel a fait pour nous ; Je dirai sa grande bonté envers la maison d’Israël, qu’il a traitée selon ses compassions et la richesse de son amour. Il avait dit : Certainement ils sont mon peuple, des enfants qui ne seront pas infidèles ! Et il a été pour eux un sauveur. Dans toutes leurs détresses ils n’ont pas été sans secours, et l’ange qui est devant sa face les a sauvés ; Il les a lui-même rachetés, dans son amour et sa miséricorde, et constamment il les a soutenus et portés, aux anciens jours.

Mais ils ont été rebelles, ils ont attristé son Esprit saint ; et il est devenu leur ennemi, il a combattu contre eux.

Alors son peuple se souvint des anciens jours de Moïse.

Où est celui qui les fit monter de la mer, avec le berger de son troupeau ? Où est celui qui mettait au milieu d’eux son Esprit saint ; qui dirigea la droite de Moïse, par son bras glorieux ; Qui fendit les eaux devant eux, pour se faire un nom éternel ; qui les dirigea au travers des flots, comme un coursier dans le désert, sans qu’ils bronchent ?

Comme la bête qui descend dans la vallée, l’Esprit de l’Éternel les a menés au repos. C’est ainsi que tu as conduit ton peuple, pour te faire un nom glorieux. – Esaïe 63:7-14

Dans ces versets, Esaïe raconte les bénédictions que le Seigneur a accordées à la maison d’Israël. Dieu les a choisis pour être son peuple. Il était avec eux dans leur affliction. Et il les a rachetés et les a sauvés de leurs ennemis. La délivrance la plus notable a eu lieu lorsque Dieu a conduit son peuple de l’esclavage en Égypte. Dieu les a délivrés à travers la mer Rouge. Il « fendit les eaux devant eux » et « les dirigea au travers des flots ». Il est devenu leur Sauveur et les a dirigés à travers le désert sans qu’ils ne trébuchent. Il les a dirigés à la terre promise où « l’Esprit de l’Éternel les a menés au repos ».

Cette délivrance miraculeuse était une source de réconfort et d’encouragement pour les Israélites. Elle leur rappelait que Dieu était avec eux et que Dieu était là pour les sauver chaque fois qu’ils étaient menacés.

La délivrance des Israélites de l’Égypte par Dieu n’était qu’une rédemption physique. C’est une image de la délivrance bien plus grande que Dieu a donnée à chacun de nous en Jésus-Christ. Dieu a envoyé son Fils pour vivre une vie parfaite afin d’accomplir la loi pour nous, et pour souffrir et mourir à notre place pour payer pour nos péchés. Par la vie parfaite, la mort et la résurrection de Jésus, Dieu nous a délivrés, toi et moi, de l’esclavage du péché et de la mort.

Ce dimanche est le 8e jour après Noël. Te souviens-tu de ce qui s’est passé le 8e jour après la naissance de Jésus ? Luc 2:21 nous dit :

Le huitième jour, auquel l’enfant devait être circoncis, étant arrivé, on lui donna le nom de Jésus, nom qu’avait indiqué l’ange avant qu’il soit conçu dans le sein de sa mère.

Chaque mâle juif devait être circoncis le 8e jour. C’était le signe de l’alliance que Dieu avait établie avec Abraham. C’était la promesse de Dieu d’être Dieu pour Abraham et ses descendants (Genèse 17:7). Abraham, pour sa part, devait marcher devant la face de Dieu et être intègre (Genèse 17 : 1). Le problème est que les Israélites ont rompu leur alliance avec Dieu. « Ils ont été rebelles, ils ont attristé son Esprit saint ; et il est devenu leur ennemi, il a combattu contre eux » (Ésaïe 63:10).

Par nature, nous nous rebellons tous contre Dieu. D’innombrables fois, nous avons fait des choses que Dieu ne veut pas que nous fassions, et nous n’avons pas réussi à faire tout ce que Dieu veut que nous fassions. Nous n’avons pas marché devant lui et n’avons pas été intègres. Mais Dieu a promis au commencement d’envoyer un Sauveur (voir Genèse 3:15). Il a dit à Abraham que en sa postérité « toutes les nations de la terre seront bénies » (Genèse 22:18). Cette postérité promise – ce Sauveur promis – est Jésus, dont nous avons célébré la naissance il y a une semaine.

Ce jour-là, nous nous souvenons du jour de la circoncision de Jésus. La circoncision de Jésus est importante car elle montre que Jésus est né sous la loi, comme nous le lisons dans Galates 4:4-7 :

Mais, lorsque les temps ont été accomplis, Dieu a envoyé son Fils, né d’une femme, né sous la loi, afin qu’il rachète ceux qui étaient sous la loi, afin que nous recevions l’adoption. Et parce que vous êtes fils, Dieu a envoyé dans nos cœurs l’Esprit de son Fils, lequel crie : Abba ! Père ! Ainsi tu n’es plus esclave, mais fils ; et si tu es fils, tu es aussi héritier par la grâce de Dieu.

Le jour de sa circoncision, il reçut le nom de Jésus, car « c’est lui qui sauvera son peuple de ses péchés » (Matthieu 1:21). « Jésus » signifie « hovah sauve ». Jésus nous a sauvés de l’esclavage du péché et de la mort, et il a fait de nous des enfants de Dieu et des héritiers d’un héritage éternel.

En tant que Dieu, Jésus était par nature au-dessus de la loi parce que Dieu a donné la loi et n’y est pas soumis. Jésus a dû naître d’une femme pour naître sous la loi afin de pouvoir l’accomplir parfaitement pour nous. Même à l’âge de 8 jours, Jésus a accompli la loi en étant circoncis.

Jésus a également dû naître d’une femme pour pouvoir souffrir et mourir à ta place pour payer tes péchés. Jésus a pris sur lui tes péchés et mes péchés quand il a souffert et est mort sur la croix. En échange de nos péchés, Jésus nous donne son obéissance parfaite — sa justice parfaite. L’accomplissement de la loi par Jésus est compté comme le tien et le mien.

Et Jésus est ressuscité des morts pour montrer que son sacrifice a été accepté par Dieu en paiement de tes péchés. La résurrection de Jésus montre également qu’il a vaincu la mort pour toi et moi, de sorte que nous pouvons vivre éternellement avec lui, même si nous mourons (Jean 11:25).

Dieu n’a pas épargné son propre Fils mais l’a livré pour nous tous. Parce que Dieu a livré son propre Fils, nous pouvons être sûrs qu’il sera avec nous en cette nouvelle année. Il nous guidera et nous protégera.

Cela ne veut pas dire que nous n’aurons pas de problèmes pendant cette nouvelle année. Même si Dieu avait miraculeusement délivré les Israélites des Égyptiens, ils se trouvaient quand même dans un désert. Ils manquaient parfois de nourriture et d’eau. Mais Dieu était avec eux et les a conduits « sans qu’ils ne trébuchent ».

Lorsque toi et moi sommes confrontés à des problèmes, nous pouvons nous demander où est Dieu ? Où est Dieu qui a fait monter les Israélites de la mer ? Où est Dieu qui a fendu l’eau devant eux ? Où est celui qui a mis son Esprit saint en nous ?

Mais rappelle-toi tout ce que Dieu a fait pour toi. Il a livré son propre Fils pour toi. Il ne te quittera jamais ni ne t’abandonnera. Quand tu es affligé, Il est toujours avec toi, et il est affligé aussi. Il t’empêchera de trébucher et te donnera du repos par son Esprit.

Tout au long de cette nouvelle année, tourne-toi vers Dieu et sa Parole pour trouver ce repos par son Esprit. Laisse la parole de Dieu te rappeler tout ce que Dieu a fait pour toi par Jésus. Jésus est né d’une femme, né sous la loi, pour te racheter qui étais sous la loi.

Nous pouvons abandonner et renoncer nos résolutions, mais Dieu ne le fera jamais. Il accomplira toutes ses promesses. Tu es maintenant un enfant de Dieu bien-aimé et son héritier·e. Il sera avec toi tout au long de cette nouvelle année et il te donnera l’héritage éternel que son Fils Jésus t’a gagné par sa souffrance, sa mort et sa résurrection.

Dec 30

New Year’s Resolutions

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Do you make resolutions for the New Year? In the US, New Year’s resolutions are very common. People often resolve to eat more healthful foods, to lose weight, or to exercise more. In the beginning of January, gyms are often full of people. But by the end of January, they are often almost empty. We start the new year with good intentions, but we often fall short of our goals.

It seems that New Year’s resolutions often involve our health, at least in the US. It is good to take care of the bodies that God has given us. God tells us that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. But we can put too much emphasis on the physical. Paul told Timothy to train himself for godliness, “for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come” (1 Tim 4:7-8).

Have you made any spiritual resolutions for the New Year? I often try to read through the Bible each year. Sometimes I fall behind and don’t make it. But reading or hearing more of God’s word is a good resolution for this New Year. In fact, it is what Paul told Timothy to do. He told Timothy to be “trained in the words of faith” (1 Timothy 4:6).

We do not know what this new year with hold. We can make plans and pray, “but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand” (Proverbs 19:21). As we face the new year, it is God’s word that reminds us that God is faithful. The Bible reminds of all that God has done for you and me. While we may give up on our resolutions, God never does. He fulfills all His promises. The history we read in the Bible shows us God’s faithfulness. And it reminds us that God will be with you and me throughout this new year, no matter what we may face.

In our Old Testament reading for this Sunday (January 1, 2023), we read of God’s faithfulness:

I will recount the steadfast love of the LORD, the praises of the LORD, according to all that the LORD has granted us, and the great goodness to the house of Israel that he has granted them according to his compassion, according to the abundance of his steadfast love. For he said, “Surely they are my people, children who will not deal falsely.” And he became their Savior. In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them; in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; he lifted them up and carried them all the days of old.

But they rebelled and grieved his Holy Spirit; therefore he turned to be their enemy, and himself fought against them.

Then he remembered the days of old, of Moses and his people.

Where is he who brought them up out of the sea with the shepherds of his flock? Where is he who put in the midst of them his Holy Spirit, who caused his glorious arm to go at the right hand of Moses, who divided the waters before them to make for himself an everlasting name, who led them through the depths?

Like a horse in the desert, they did not stumble. Like livestock that go down into the valley, the Spirit of the LORD gave them rest. So you led your people, to make for yourself a glorious name. – Isaiah 63:7-14

In these verses, Isaiah recounts the blessings that Lord had given the house of Israel. God chose them to be His people. He was with them in their affliction. And He redeemed them and saved them from their enemies. The most notable deliverance was when God lead His people from slavery in Egypt. God delivered them through the Red Sea. He “divided the water before them” and “led them through the depths.” He became their Savior and lead them through the desert without them stumbling. He led them to the promised land where “the Spirit of the Lord gave them rest.”

This miraculous deliverance was a source of comfort and encouragement for the Israelites. It reminded them that God was with them, and that God was there to save them whenever they were threatened. 

God delivering the Israelites from Egypt was just a physical redemption. It is a picture of the far greater deliverance that God has given each of us through Jesus Christ. God sent His Son to live a perfect life to fulfill the law for us, and to suffer and die in our place to pay for our sins. Through Jesus’ perfect life, death and resurrection, God has delivered you and me from slavery to sin and death. 

This Sunday is the 8th day after Christmas. Do you remember what happened on the 8th day after Jesus’ birth? Luke 2:21 tells us: 

And when eight days were completed for the circumcision of the Child, His name was called JESUS, the name given by the angel before He was conceived in the womb.

Every Jewish male was to be circumcised on the 8th day. It was the sign of the covenant God had established with Abraham. It was God’s promise to be God to Abraham and his descendants (Genesis 17:7). Abraham, for his part, was to walk before God and be blameless (Genesis 17:1). The problem is, the Israelites broke their covenant with God. “They rebelled and grieved his Holy Spirit; therefore he turned to be their enemy, and himself fought against them” (Isaiah 63:10).

We all by nature rebel against God. Countless times we have done things God does not want us to do, and we have failed to do all that God wants us to do. We have not walked before Him and been blameless. But God promised in the very beginning to send a Savior (see Genesis 3:15). He told Abraham that in his seed “all the nations shall be blessed” (Genesis 22:18). This promised seed – this promised Savior – is Jesus, whose birth we celebrated a week ago.

On this day we remember the day of Jesus’ circumcision. Jesus’ circumcision is important because it showed that Jesus was born under the law, as we read in Galatians 4:4-7:

But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!” So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.

On the day of His circumcision, He was given the name Jesus, “for He will save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). “Jesus” means “Jehovah saves.” Jesus saved us from being a slave to sin and death, and He has made us children of God and heirs of an eternal inheritance.

As God, Jesus was by nature above the law because God gave the law and is not subject to it. Jesus had to be born of a woman to be born under the law so that He could fulfill it perfectly for us. Even at 8 days old, Jesus fulfilled the law by being circumcised.

Jesus also had to be born of a woman so that He could suffer and die in our place to pay for our sins. Jesus took your sins and my sins upon Himself when He suffered and died on the cross. In exchange for our sin, Jesus gives us His perfect obedience – His perfect righteousness. Jesus’ fulfillment of the law is counted as your own. 

And Jesus rose again from the dead to show that His sacrifice was accepted by God as payment for your sin. Jesus’ resurrection also shows that He has conquered death for you and me, so that we can live eternally with Him even if we die (John 11:25).

God did not spare His own Son but delivered Him up for us all. Because God gave up His own Son, we can be sure that He will be with us in this new year. He will lead us and protect us.

This does not mean that we will not have any problems during this new year. Even though God had miraculously delivered the Israelites from the Egyptians, they still found themselves in a desert. They sometimes lacked food and water. But God was with them and led them so that “they did not stumble.”

When you and I face problems, we can wonder where God is. Where is God who brought the Israelites out of the sea? Where is God who divided the water before them? Where is He who put His Holy spirit within us?

But remember all that God has done for you. He delivered up His own Son for you. He will never leave you or forsake you. When you are afflicted, He is still will you, and He is afflicted too. He will keep you from stumbling and cause you rest through His Spirit.

Throughout this new year, look to God and His Word to find this rest through His Spirit. Let God’s word remind you of all that God has done for you through Jesus. Jesus was born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem you who were under the law. 

We may give up and abandon our resolutions, but God never will. He will fulfill all His promises. You are now His beloved child and heir. He will be with you throughout this new year, and He will give you the eternal inheritance His Son Jesus has earned for you by His suffering, death, and resurrection.

Jul 07

God’s thoughts and ways are not ours.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Isaiah 55:8-9 (ESV)

You are probably familiar with these verses, no? They are often quoted to show that God is ineffable. To quote the popular phrase (which isn’t in the Bible per se) “God works in mysterious ways.” We cannot understand His thoughts and ways unless He deigns to explain them. And still the reality is beyond our comprehension. As the Apostle Paul puts it: “now we see in a mirror dimly” (1 Corinthins 13:12).

But do you know the context of these verses? The two verses that come before put these verses in a whole new light:

Seek the Lord while he may be found;
call upon him while he is near;
let the wicked forsake his way,
and the unrighteous man his thoughts;
let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him,
and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.

Isaiah 55:6-7 (ESV)

We are to seek the Lord and call upon Him to find forgiveness of our sins because His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways…

Don’t we often find it difficult to forgive? And even when we do forgive, it’s easy to hold a grudge (which really isn’t forgiveness at all). Sometimes we offer a conditional forgiveness: “I’ll forgive you, if you…” And when we have wronged someone, we may avoid them rather than coming to them to ask their forgiveness because we fear they won’t really be forgiving.

But God’s thought are not our thoughts! God’s ways are not our ways! As the heavens are higher than the earth, so is God’s forgiveness higher than ours!

You do not need to fear that God will hold a grudge because of your sin. You do not fear that God will not forgive you. Because God sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross in order to pay for your sins (and the sins of the whole world), you have free and unconditional forgiveness!

So return to the Lord each and every day that He may have compassion on you and abundantly pardon. Amen.

Jun 09

No more cover fire!

Back at the beginning of March, the head pastor and I were talking about the election and how the opposition was challenging the result. He told me (in French) that he hadn’t heard that there was « un couvre-feu », which literally means “a cover fire”. My thought was, “Are things that bad that there is gun fire?!?”

A week or so later I was talking to the neighbor who lives behind my building (but the entrance to my building leads to her apartment behind, so we share the main entrance). She was telling me that she got back from her work at a restaurant downtown at 2 am. When I remarked how late that was, she said that there wasn’t « couvre-feu », and I was confused, but also glad no one was shooting guns on my street.

Finally toward the end of March, the government instituted a « couve-feu » and I was like, “OK, I have to look this word up!” I did, and it actually means “curfew”! I had totally misunderstood what my neighbor and the head pastor here had said!

Ironically, our English word comes from the French “cover fire”. I guess when a curfew was enacted back in the day, it was the time you had to literally cover your fire and go inside.

In any case, the curfew that the government started from 8 pm to 6 am to limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2 was initially loosed to be 9 pm to 6 am, then a few weeks ago to 10 pm to 5 pm. And as of today (June 9th, 2020), the curfew has been lifted completely (although I will miss it, as I live on a busy street and welcomed the peace and quiet).

The closing off of several major cities (of which Lomé was one) – which was to limit travel and spread between bigger cities – has also been lifted, as the number of new cases is fairly stable, and low.

In place of these measure, it is now mandatory to wear masks.

I have heard that initially in some countries, like Cameroon and Ethiopia, foreigners were being attacked by the locals because it was foreigner who brought the virus into the countries. While that is highly unlikely to ever happen here, as Togo is very welcoming, I have been wearing a mask whenever I go out, even when it wasn’t mandatory, to show that I take the situation seriously and am trying to do my part to protect others and limit the propagation.

Compared to the rest of the world, much of Africa, and Togo especially, has not been hit very hard by the pandemic. That is very fortunate (thanks be to God!), as the medical facilities in Africa are not as equipped as they are in other places.

The airport is still closed to incoming passengers (except for repatriation of Togolese), but they are making plans for when it opens again, including rapid COVID-19 testing upon arrival and other measures.

Schools and churches are still closed. This has been more difficult here than in the US and in more developed countries. While I have been blessed to tune into some live-streamed services, and I have even been able give a virtual presentation on the work here for a church in Minneapolis and preach at their mission festival from my dinning room table here in Togo, most people here do not have access to affordable internet and churches and schools do not have the setup or equipment to stream services or classes. I pray that we will be able to resume worship services and seminary classes soon so that we can encourage one another from God’s word during these difficult times.

Mar 21

Locked in Lomé

As of March 20, 2020 there are 12 confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 in Togo. This has led the government to enact a number of measures to slow the propagation of the novel corona virus:

  1. Land borders are closed to all travelers for two weeks. This does not affect the movement of goods.
  2. Several cities, including Lomé, are blockaded.
  3. It is forbidden to go to the beach indefinitely.
  4. Places of worship are closed for one month.
  5. All schools and universities are closed for 3 weeks.
  6. Funerals and burials are to be attended by no more than 15 people.
  7. All venders in markets are to wear masks.
  8. All mass cultural and sport events are suspended indefinitely.
  9. All nightclubs are closed.

Recently the US State Department said that any citizen residing in the US should return or be prepared to remain overseas for an indefinite period of time (I am prepared to remain here for an indefinite period).

So far Africa has had relatively few cases of infection, and I pray that continues to be the case. The World Health Organization, however, said that we should prepare for the worst. As the number of infections and the death toll mounts around the world, the health care system here is even more fragile, so it is very important to take every precaution to limit the propagation and “flatten the curve”.

While this can be a frightening time, we must remember that the Creator of the Universe is still at work preserving His creation:

Man and beast you save, O Lord. – Psalm 36:6

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. – Matthew 10:29-31

Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love, that he may deliver their soul from death and keep them alive in famine. – Psalm 33:18-19

As I write this, I see two men going up and down my street wearing masks and handing out information. I assume they are encouraging the vendors to follow the guidelines and wear masks. There is a car with a load speaker blaring information in Ewe, which I cannot yet understand, but I assume is encouraging everyone to follow the guidelines.

Taking precautions to limit the propagation of and exposure to SARS-CoV-2 does not contradict our faith and trust in our Heavenly Father to protect and care for us. Out of love for God and our neighbor, we obey the government and follow the guidelines. We obey God by obeying the government.

The Triune God – the Father, Son, Holy Spirit – promises to protect and comfort us, but we should not test the Lord our God by ignoring the wisdom and advice of medical professionals. We should not metaphorically “throw ourselves from the pinacle of the temple” in attempt to demonstrate a strong faith.

That said, we can be tempted to place more trust in preventative measures or modern medicine than in God. Even in normal circumstances we are often tempted to place our confidence in the things of this world or in ourselves more than we trust in God.

But through the death and resurrection of Jesus, God’s Son, we have forgiveness for every time we have sinned against the first commandment and any and all of God’s commandments. Jesus has paid for and taken away all your sin so that you may have eternal life.

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? As it is written, “For your sake we are being killed all the day long; we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.”

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 8:31-39

So wash your hands as you trust in the salvation God has given you in Jesus. May He continue to protect and preserve us all until He brings us to the heavenly home He has prepared for us in Jesus. Amen.

Sep 30

Shoes and Visas

What do the two have in common. Well, nothing really (although you can buy shoes with your Visa credit card, but that’s not the type of visa I have in mind). I just thought the two together would make a good headline.

Missionary Todd Ohlmann was able to get his visas to Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo. I am waiting on some letters and a corrected residence permit, but I will be applying for mine soon, as will Kossi (for the DRC, he doesn’t need one for Nigeria). Pray that Kossi and I are able to get the visas soon,

Speaking of Pastor Kossi. He was wearing shoes yesterday. Why is that significant, you may ask? It shows the recovery he has had from his accident. Up until yesterday he has been wearing flip-flops because his left foot has been so swollen. The physical therapy and medicine he has been receiving evidently is helping him heal, as his foot is almost back to normal. Praise God for preserving Kossi’s life in the accident and for the rapid healing he has experienced!